Old World Lamps and Tyres
This is a constant up date of the things we are playing with and new aquisitions
If you have any questions about any thing on our site please feel free to ring us and inquire 1300 854 324 or International 61 4 222 1 99 11, thanks.
New acquisitions and Restorations
For all these who are regular visitors and ask what's new - On our recent trip to the US I purchased a few great cars, a 1913 Cadillac Project which will be semi restored and then up for sale (this car has now found a new home and a very happy owner who is looking forward to finalising this project. Also a good little 1906 Cadillac runabout (also now in a new home). I also have a lead on a 1909/10 De Tamble - these were a independent make that only survived for a few years, great little 2 cylinder horizontally opposed twin with plantery trans, in need of a total restoration but a great little project. Our last trip to Chickasha swap in Oklahoma and Bakersfield California saw lots of new purchases and our latest trip to Hershey in October I purchased a wonderful 1925 Cadillac Custom Coupe semi restored, with great body, see our E Trade page for more details and a rare 1917 Chevrolet 490 touring. I also purchased both a 1909 Norwalk High Wheeler, a 1910 Brush for a client in Victoria, I'm working on purchasing a early Steam car.
Our next trip to the US will be in February for the Horseless Carriage Board meeting followed by trip to view some rare Holsman's that I'll pry and purchase. Not to mention chasing another early 4 cylinder Caddy!
1906 Cadillac Model H
After a lot of searching and then negotiating we finally have manage to purchased another of the early 4 cylinder Cadillac models that were produced along side the famous single cylinders from 1905 - 1908.
Most people are aware of the 4 cylinder Cadillac produced from August 1908 through to 1914, however not many seem to be aware of the interesting history behind Cadillac first foray in the luxury car market. Only 2 years after entering the industry with it single cylinder 8hp model A, Cadillac commenced production of a number of vehicles that were aimed at the very top end of the market. from 1905 to 1908. Cadillac continually evolved their 4 cylinder models to define there best positioning and prepare themselves for the coming end of the single cylinder models. We were lucky enough to pick up the remains of one of the few Model G's Cadillac sent to Australia and whilst we would not say "its a car" we are working on purchasing the remain of 2 other that should complete a very unusual collection of early Cadillac's. The Model H will be the jewel in the Crown.
Come back to see the progress of this mighty 30hp car.
Cadillac production of these vehicles was very limited as can be seen from the list below and only a dozen or so across all years survive.
1905 Model D 30hp 156 produced
1906 Model L 40hp 3 produced
1906 - 08 Model H 30 hp 502 produced
1907 - 08 Model G 25hp 1030 produced
For detailed information on the restoration of this very rare Cadillac see the progress stories in the Newsletter attachment above.
November 2017 update
After the crate was delivered to our Long Beach depot, we had some tyres delivered and a 1912 Cadillac touring I purchased which now belongs to Neil Campbell in Victoria. The container was packed and fumigated as is our usual process, and then delivered to the dock. This is where the fun started! It was booked on a ship for the following Sunday and on the Tuesday I logged onto the container monitoring site and it said, "dropped to the dock booked on the ship", which is the norm but by no means confirms it was loaded. 4 days later, the site had not been up dated and a Bill of Lading had not been issued, so my alarm bells were ringing. So a quick phone call to the our agent in the US and he confirmed that US Customs had stated they wanted to inspect the container. This can happen in one of several ways - additional Documentation inspection, X-ray of the container, dog search, ie they open the doors and send in a couple of well trained Beagles looking for drugs, or a full un-pack and inspect. My concern was that a documentation inspection may require more details of the model of Cadillac's in the container and raise a red flag over this rare car. After 2 weeks of not loading (and fees being incurred), US Customs decided to send the container to Price Transfer for a full un-pack and contraband inspection. This is not something that is overly unusual (about 10% of outgoing containers have this inspection) however it is both a time consuming and a costly exercise with the customer (us) bearing the cost, despite the fact this is done all in the name of US Border Security! So after 4 weeks of delays and $4500 in additional fees, they finally released the container (after finding nothing of course!!) and it was loaded onto a ship bound for Australia and a Bill of Lading was finally issued.
On my next trip to the US, I decided to follow up the seller to see if he had found any more parts for the car and to my surprise he located another box of polished brass parts, & the original crown wheel, pinion 7 broken axle, which it seems is what halted the car in the first place. So after organising to meet him and collect the parts, I decided to return to the motel and sort out what parts I could bring home in my bags and what needed to go with the car. Well there were parts that I know I was looking for and to my surprise, parts that I had never known I was missing! In the end I was so excited I just stuffed everything in my bags and paid the excess weight fee upon flying home!
Once in Australia, the Customs & Quarantine process is fairly straight forward, but time consuming. So the container arrived and after the unpack which we do personally at a private facility in Western Sydney, the Caddy was finally on the ground and waiting for inspection. This occurred in the next few days and we were able to take her home and faced the task of un-packing and sorting everything out. First the body was fitted onto a rolling trolley with shelves under and mechanicals all laid out. Then over the next couple of days, these were grouped onto 2 sets of moveable shelves, motor, front end, springs, rear end & transmission. The multitude of bags were then sorted into their respective categories.
The first task was to sand blast the frame and the associated brackets etc and prime & paint these so we had a base to build on. Once this was completed, we start the rough process of assembling the motor so as to work out what was there and what was not. Fortunately, almost everything was there with only minor bolts, screws and the odd fitting not accounted for. Once this was complete the motor was again dis-assembled ready for the necessary work to be completed for proper assembly.
Having confirmed that my assessment of the completeness of the motor was correct, assembly of the transmission and it unusual engagement system was undertaken again not for final assembly but to confirm everything was there. This again proved successful with only a few nuts and bolts not accounted for. The rear end was considerably easier as this had been re-built by a specialist in, of all places, Cadillac Michigan, so only prime and paint was required there. After the production of new bushes for the drive shaft it was fitted to the rear end.
With the chassis sitting on two steel trestles, spring were next to be sorted, sand blasted, primed, painted, greased and assembled. This proved a bit of a jigsaw puzzle with 3/4 elliptic rear springs and semi elliptic front there were some 50 odd leaves in total. Whilst most leaves were marked as it turned out not necessarily correctly, so some mixing and matching was undertaken until the frame sat squarely on all four points allowing the rear end to be attached and the front end to be assembled.
While the mechanical components were being worked through the body sat with very little work on it. In the back of my mind was however the fact that only one of the two rear doors (NB no front doors) had come with the car and I was faced with making a new mirror image door - really a cheap price to pay on a 110 year old body, but a finicky task neither the less. Then one morning I received an email out of the blue saying that a Early Cadillac Club member was visiting a upholstery shop west of San Francisco and the owners who were closing up shop and retiring wanted to locate the owner of a door that had been left with them years before. So after some digging around, he had been told that I had purchased the car and wanted to get the door to me. Well now was that luck, this car was like the provable "bad penny" except everything just keep rolling in! I contacted my friend in the Seattle region and he organized to collect the door when meeting the fellow and it arrived in our next container.
So with the door located and the mechanicals loosely assembled I was in a very positive frame of mind. This process confirmed that the car was very, very complete and my gamble was well worth it! That just meant the real work of a top quality restoration could truly commence.

1908 black Model 12 Restoration We were lucky enough to purchase a 1908 Model 12 Black, 12hp runabout, whilst it has been subjected to some indignitries over the years, it was still basically a good original vehicle. The car was delivered new to the Portland Oregon area to a doctor and remained in the area all its life (I purchased it from a fellow in Beaverton Or). After the doctor no longer had use for the car, it was placed into storage for quite some time. The car was purchased by a large collector in the 60s and subjected to a mechanical restoration with new rings, bearing, etc and which unfortunately included a set of Model T wheels (he said the original 38” wheels were rotted), a pressure oil system, modified Model T timer, Rayfield up draft carbie, altered manifolds, a belt drive electric starter & an additional rear seat with fuel tank under the back seat. This was then only used for parade purposes, before being purchased by the collector's part time mechanic . It was estimated that the car had only done 100 miles since the overhaul when I purchased it, I don't think it had even done that, perhaps a few laps of the main for a parade and then back in the shed.
After purchasing it, I pulled down the motor, checked all bearing surfaces and gaps, checked adjusted and sealed the& transmission, sand blasted & repainted everything, valve ground and re-assembled the mechanical components. The frame, springs, axles etc had the same treatment, sandblasted, undercoated, re-sprayed, springs greased between each leaf. As part of this process I removed all the “additions” and replaced the inlet & exhaust manifolds with correct water pipe fittings, built a new correct muffler, restored and fitted a period correct oiler, built a correct timer and new correct petrol tank, sourced and fitted a correct set of 38” wheels and the hardest part was a correct Breeze carburetor. The additional rear seat was a “glue on” ply wood job so this was removed and the original body remains were restored. I used our friend Rob Duffy's Black seat as a template for a new seat and this was upholstered by fellow high wheeler Alan Miller in Catherine Fields NSW, a correct top was sourced and re-upholstered.
To see it running click the video below:

A very unusual sight 3 Blacks in one place!
Black’s were manufactured in the same factory as the McIntire buggy in Auburn, Indiana, but sold through the Black Motor Co of Chicago. They were, through my research, the same mechanically but tended to have a bit more pin striping to make them a bit more up market. There are 12 known Blacks in the world (may be a few more hidden in sheds in the US?) 6 here in OZ, 2 original delivery. Three Black’s were in Mudgee (my model 30 Delivery Van, this one and Rob Duffy’s), another one about 50 miles away from us, 2 in Victoria & 1 in Denmark, 5 that we know of in the USA.
Restored May 2015
1905 Glide,
My advertisement for a unusual 2 cylinder car lead me to the Haynes Apperson purchase a few years ago and after a lots of discussion with the previous owners of that wonderful car, I managed to convince them to let us purchase and finish the restoration of a very unusual and rare 1905 Glide. The Glide was produced in Peoria Illinois by the Bartholomew Company, the Glide name came about because of the independently spring 2nd frame that the motor and transmission rides in meaning that the occupants of the car did not feel the motion of the motor and the car "glided" down the road. There are only a few Glides know to exist, there are only 6 listed in the latest Horseless Carriage Club of America roster (ranging from 1905 to 1913) and whilst ours makes the 7th (as it was not listed) assuming there is 1 or 2 more out there, there would most probably be less than 10 in total. Ours is the Model D 2 cylinder with planetary transmission and is currently about 60% restored, I look forward to keeping you up dated on it progress.

To see the progress of the Glide restoration, click here:
July 2016 update.
The restoration of the Glide got underway in earnest after our return firm Bakersfield Swap in April, 2015 interrupted by some medical issues which hopefully we are over! The motor which I understood to have been fully restored has caused some problems with major issues with the crankshaft and the main bearings, so it isent to a friend's shop in Bundaberg Queensland and is now in very good order and should run longer than us.
In the meantime we have progressed with the body, the firewall and body section that supports the gas tank, bonnet and radiator are in final paint and assembled, the coil box and Warner speedo are mounted, as is the correct clock for the "Coke Bottle" speedo, the speedo drive is also mounted on the front wheel awaiting the cable. The Atwood brass and copper headlights have been mounted on new yolks and the brass trim and side lights polished and assembled, the copper bonnet supports & horn are finally in place, so it really has some bling!
The rear seat and one of the front buckets are in final paint and the main body and other seat are in primer waiting for warmer days to be painted. I've also made the mounting brackets & rest for a self locking top, the fact that the front seats fold forward did give so concern, however I worked a way to get around that problem, so the top should be able to stay up if you need to get under one seat as long as you only fold one seat at a time. We complete the top in June and will start on the diamond button upholstery in the next couple of months.
Some for the mechanical components will prove to be difficult, but we'll tackle these (now the motor is back in the car!) as and when they arrive. I think I've got my head around most of it but you never know till you actually put it all together.
Our intitial hope of making a February 2016 deadline for completion have wel land truely be dshed so we are planning to take it to the National 1 & 2 cylinder Rally in Tasmania in 2018 and have friends coming over from the USA to enjoy the rally with us, so it will be nice if it is completed.
I'll update the thread as things move along.
1899 Haynes Apperson.
The last news is the best (if you have a big heart!) I purchased the very sad remains of a 1899 Haynes Apperson, 2 cylinder auto, wooden frame, leather fender & wooden body. Haynes was credited for a long time as America's first practical Auto, something which has now been dispelled, however having said that they were definitely one of the first 3 and till the end of their days in the 20's all the cars wore badges saying "America First Car". Ours is being delivered in pumpkin boxes, so I will have my work cut out for me getting it back together however apart from the body and frame which have rotted away everything else seems to be there so I'll up date the site with photos as I progress!
Up - date. After visiting the Auburn Cord Duesenburg, the Elwood Haynes and Kokomo Museum's in Indiana (where the Haynes was produced and coincidently so was the Black) and a very nice 1904 Haynes in the Don Bolton collect in Oklahoma I have pretty well dated the Haynes Apperson to 1899 / 1900. It is a good early veteran with 2 cylinder 3 speed gearbox. Haynes and Apperson when their separate ways in about 1904 to each developed their own cars Haynes went on to make high end vehicles introducing a V8 in 1916 (hot on the heals of Cadillac) and Apperson to make the famous "Apperson Jack Rabbit".
Having had the opportunity to take hundreds of photos and measurements of Haynes Appersons from 1897 through to 1904 I now have a real grasp of what is required. Mechanically what I have is very complete the only really difficult things is that I only has parts for the exposed 3 speed sliding selective gear box (I'm plagued by missing gear boxes!!). The car was a Surrey and I'm currently organising a full size mock up of the body and producing a correct wooden frame so we can get a real look at the project. Once I have everything together I'll post some photos so you can see the project in some prospective.
April 2014 further up date. After again visiting the Don Bolton collection in Oklahoma City this year, I was lucky enough to procure the spares Don had that came with his beautiful 1904 touring, Alan Schmitt of Restoration Supply in California has also uncover a very worn but templatable transmission, this and a spare rear end purchased in Phoenix Az. will assist with spares for the restoration of this big early car.
1902 Thomas Mechanical re-restoration 2016
Over Christmas and New Year we decided to do a mechanical re-fresh of our much loved 1902 Thomas. This car has been restored for over a decade and participated in many National Rallies and local tours, so it was time for a re-fresh, below are 2 videos of the process and an explanation of this very rare and historically significant vehicle.