Old World Lamps and Tyres
has become
The Veteran Garage
New Website launch - The Veteran Garage
After many years of operating Old World Lamps and Tyres, Chris and I (Russell) have sold the tyre side of our operation and the lamp restorations has broadened into other areas of restorations. Old World Lamps and Tyres evolved when, after years of restoring cars as a hobby, we decided that rather than do the things we were both commercially trained in, we would do together the things we both love (playing with old cars) and combine our talents to create beautiful things. The Veteran Garage has since evolved from Old World Lamps and Tyres and we still operate The Veteran Garage from our 7 acre farmlet in the beautiful wine grape region of Mudgee, NSW, Australia which is situated about 3 ½ hours west of Sydney. For more about us (Russell & Chris), have a look at our new website (click on the words) - The Veteran Garage

Within our business we have a number of branches, all revolving around old cars:
Importing - If you are looking to import anything from the United States we can assist, whether it is a 50’s Cadillac or 1903 Steam car, a jet ski, a pair of doors or just some heavy stuff you purchased on EBay, we can bring them into the country for you.
Cars and parts for sale - in our travels, we often come across some varied, beautiful and interesting cars and parts. Check out the For Sales pages on the new website to see our latest acquisitions !!!
Restorations - is now a wonderful combination of restorations for us and others - we currently have a number of projects on the go including a 1913 original Cadillac ute, a 1908 Maxwell, 2 x 1906 Cadillacs (both a Model H and Model K!), and a 1934 Federal truck, just as a sample
Contact Us
If you have any questions about any thing on our site please feel free to ring us and inquire.
Email: Russell@veterangarage.com.au
Phone within Australia: 0422 219 911
Phone Int: 61 422219911
US cell: 757 434 0056 please note the US cell is now active all year round, but there is a time difference so we may not answer when it is 2am in the morning !!
Mail Address:
PO Box 786
Mudgee 2850
New South Wales, Australia
We hope you enjoy our site and look forward to doing business with you.
Russell and Chris Holden.
If you have any feedback on how we can make our new website better please do contact us and we would like to hear from you.